David Edwards - guest speaker providing 
					talks for your school, club, business or society guest speaker / guide / geologist / university tutor
Public guest speaker

Environment, geography, and travel guest speaker

Professional, insightful, and entertaining talks

A small selection here:

Hawaii guest speaker
Hawaii: a Pacific anomaly
Botswana guest speaker
Botswana tales
Volcano guest speaker
Montserrat: surviving an eruption
Antarctic guest speaker
Exploring Antarctica
Pompeii Vesuvius Italy guest speaker
Pompeii and Vesuvius
Renewable energy guest speaker
Renewable energy
Sustainability guest speaker
Living sustainably
Nature conservation guest speaker
Nature conservation
Climate change guest speaker
Climate change
Iceland volcanoes guest speaker
Awesome Iceland
Volcano speaker
My Exploding World
Grand Canyon guest speaker
A Ranger at the Grand Canyon

A guest speaker who has...

David Edwards, guest speaker Taught environmental, energy, and geohazard courses at university * Collected molten lava * Been charged by an elephant * Guided in Iceland, and Pompeii & Vesuvius * Sampled the Pacific seafloor * Broken both legs mountain climbing and self rescued * Survived a volcanic eruption * Worked as a ranger in the Grand Canyon * Caught snakes with his bare hands * Witnessed emergency evacuations * Advised hundreds of expeditions around the world * Attended COP26

social media  (@EnvGeogSpeaker)

I'm on Instagram (selection below), and tweet on topics related to my talks.

"Thank you very much indeed for giving us such a good talk last night - I know that everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. I heard nothing but praise and enthusiasm afterwards together with demands for you to come again sometime! Your visual effects, knowledge, connection with the audience and sense of humour combined to give an excellent evening - you told us such a complete story about Pompeii. It was a far more wide ranging talk than I had anticipated, every aspect of which was fascinating. Your easy going manner made my job as organiser a pleasure and I thank you for that! I hope to see you again sometime if you are willing to come and tell us about Herculaneum."
Liz Turner, Friends of Ravenna, Chichester

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